Saturday, May 1, 2010

New and perhaps improved

I'm back. Its been a while since I wrote on the blog - my fault. I will start updating this as and when possible. Write in, tell me your views and critique.

More than ever, music seems to be the only truth I know.


prasanna venkatesh.b said...

Dear Anil,
I am a fan of your music and writing. I remember reading about silences in music as an essential part in one of your earlier posts about Shri. MDR's music. Today I saw this spellbinding documentary about Kabir and Shri. Kumar Gandharva:
towards the end there was a statement attributed to Kumarji:"People applaud my notes but they don't LISTEN to the space between them"
I was instantly reminded of post and thought you may enjoy this in case you have not come across this docu.

meera said...

Dear Anil,

I am a pianist myself and I LOVE your music!!!

Always UR Fan..